Improve Your Energy

Energy is everything - it is your thoughts, your emotions, and your behaviours and even your physical body is essentially energy. Patterns in your life, relationships, physical stuff in your home - it's all energy. When you change your energy for the better then you can change your life.

Improved energy management generally means a few things, you let go of unnecessary stress and tension feel calmer. Less time being drained by other people and situations so more energy for you. Better and more nourishing sleep an a greater ability to control yourself in anxiety type situations. More positive self-talk and strengthening of natural self-healing powers which results in an improvement in the body’s immune system. A greater ability to focus on what’s important to you, having more confidence within yourself. A general feeling of "well-being" that positively affects your life.

The following ten tips suggest ways to facilitate a more positive attitude.

 1. Work first on your relationships.

Relationships are both our best sources of happiness and our biggest sources of problems and frustrations. Developing good relationships and improving or ending poor relationships in your life will increase your energy. An effective tactic to start improving your relationships is to develop better personal boundaries and standards and work on reducing tolerations.

 2. Develop a routine to start every day in a positive mental state.

It is very helpful to start the day with a routine that creates positive energy. Many people find activities like exercise, meditation, quiet time, etc., effective in getting their day off to a positive start. It is easier to stay positive if you can start with a positive attitude. Have a positive affirmation to say. “ Thank you for my improved energy and all the positive things that will happen today”

 3. Learn how to monitor your current mental state and changes to it.

This is a complex area, but if you can link negative mood changes to a source or cause, then you are frequently in a position to quickly change back. The important point here is once you are in a negative state, get the message or value from the situation, then take some action to return to a positive state. This is discussed more in 6 below.

 4. Create an energising physical environment.

Invest some time and money to make your surroundings pleasing and energising to you. Some small items may make a big difference in how your personal space affects your moods. Poor lighting can lower your mental state, especially in the winter. Some people report a big improvement in their mood just by cleaning up their bedroom and making the bed before leaving for work. Clutter is de-energising to many people. A sink full of dirty dishes is de-energising to some. A small water fountain can create a feeling of energy. Soft music can help with your mood. Feng Shui is an entire discipline that addresses the harmony of physical surroundings. Further reading on this topic may give you some good ideas.

5. Carefully monitor your self-talk.

Negative self-talk is a common source of low moods. When you are hearing negative self-talk, be alert to the unrealistic, overly negative messages. Focus on getting any truthful message, then shifting out of overly self-defeating criticism. Indeed, we are usually our own worst critic. Replace the negative talk with something positive even if you don’t believe it. You will find over time this negative self-talk will stop when you follow this rule.

 6. Develop methods of shifting yourself to a more positive state.

Once you are aware of your negative moods and have developed your method of getting the value out of the bad mood, then craft methods of moving back to a positive mood. One creative method is to maintain a Truth Journal in which you write down your Truth about various topics. This Truth can include past successes, what you are really good at, things you enjoy, compliments you have received, progress towards goals. Then when you are feeling negative about a topic, read Your Truth Journal.

 7. Deal with problems effectively.

Problems are a part of life. Few people enjoy problems. But, in many cases, we can learn from problems. It may help to ask yourself several questions, such as:

  • What am I contributing to this problem?

  • What Life Lesson have I been missing here?

  • What is the worst that can happen and how can I improve on that?

  • What am I doing right?

  • What am I going to do differently?

 Getting into a habit of using problems as learning experiences can help us avoid becoming de-energised when they occur.

 8. Focus your energy on attracting more of what you want.

Time and energy spent dwelling on problems are frequently better spent pursuing thinking about what you do want. It helps to examine your contribution to any difficulties and understand how you may need to change. Then be sure to ask others directly for what you want from them; don’t fall into the trap of under communicating. In this way, you are always making course corrections and moving forward. It is helpful to print or write out a list of goals, and the theme for the week first thing Monday morning or Sunday evening. This will help you get started on a positive note.

 9. Be a positive energy source with others.

Negative energy seems to attract negative results. Keeping your mood positive can encourage positive moods and suppress negative behaviour in others.

 10. Avoid using negative energy as an energy source.

Many people have a shortage of positive energy in their lives and use negative energy as their energy source. They create busyness, use deadlines, crises, and problems to keep them going. In many cases, their motivation patterns shift entirely from seeking pleasure to avoiding pain. In most cases, this causes serious burnout and the result will be you becoming dependent on negative energy sources.

I hope this has been informative and helpful, if i can help you shift any negative energy with my healing, either reiki or sound please contact me.